Tips To Help You Successfully Relocate With Toddlers And Dogs

Relocating with your entire family can be manageable with the help of custom relocation services, even when you have small children and dogs. Both toddlers and dogs have specific needs you need to keep in mind during a family move. Here are some tips to help you successfully handle your family's relocation with small children and dogs.


When you move with a toddler, be ready with the right tools and plans to help make your moving experience the best. As you pack their room, explain what you are doing and let them help you box up some items. Ask your movers to pack up your child's room last. This will give you access to your child's items first on the moving truck at your new place, so you can set up your child's room and toys. 

Prepare a tote bag with an assortment of new toys and activities to keep your toddler busy in their bedroom while the movers are packing and moving and when you are traveling. It is important to select items your child has never seen or played with before. This will increase their novelty and the length of time your child will play with them. 

Make sure you have plenty of fun snacks and easy toddler meals for the days you will be moving. It is important to provide regular scheduled meals for your child, to help keep their routine normal. You can include cheese sticks, carrot sticks, crackers, apple slices, popcorn, juice boxes, animal crackers, and pretzels. Also, some small-sized packs of frozen vegetables are convenient to reheat in the microwave to supplement their meals. Keep your child's snacks and meals separated in a marked container in your kitchen so they don't get packed.

When you arrive at your new place, try to set up their room just as it was in your old place. This will help keep things familiar-looking to them. Open up several of your child's boxed up toys so they can remove and rediscover them, keeping them occupied. Set up a baby gate in their bedroom doorway to keep them out of the way of moving in and unpacking, while allowing you to keep an eye on them.


When you are relocating to a new area and you have a dog, it is important to make sure they are as comfortable as possible during the move. Your dog will need plenty of food and water inside an appropriately sized dog carrier, whether you are moving by vehicle, bus, or airplane.

Prepare a sealed container with your dog's regular food for them to eat during the relocation move and don't forget their food dish. Measure out enough food portions for your dog for every day you will be traveling. It is a good idea to add in a couple extra servings of food just in case. You never know what can happen, even during the most planned out move. 

Bring enough bottled water and a water dish to give them fresh water daily. You don't know if you will always have access to get them water each day of your move and you don't want them to become dehydrated.

When choosing the pet carrier for your dog, make sure it is large enough for them. Some pet owners put their dog inside a carrier that is not large enough for their dog to stand up while inside. Measure your dog before you choose their carrier. Your pet's carrier needs to be four inches longer and four inches taller than your dog is while they are standing. This will provide enough space for them to stand upright and turn around inside the carrier, walk in and out of the carrier without ducking, and sit with their paws stretched out in front of them.

Make sure you bring your dog's familiar and favorite items, such as a blanket, pillow, or toys. Try to keep your dog in a quiet and secluded area inside their carrier as much as possible while the movers are working. Moving is stressful enough on them and they need to feel safe and secure so they don't become overly stressed and ill.

These tips can help make your move easier with toddlers and dogs.
